I want to become a partner

Welcome to Un Abri pour Elle !

Thank you for wanting to join us in the fight against violence against women.

We are a solidarity hosting platform whose role is to put in contact with solidarity hosts any woman threatened or victim of violence. We inform you that you will be contacted by a member of our team for the verification and certification of your organization. After your certification, you will be able to access hosts for the safety of your public or people who will make requests on our platform.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Question

Here you will find all the questions usually asked by people who need to apply for accommodation.

Devenir partenaire

Quelles sont nos obligations ?


Comment nous contactent les bénéficiaires ?

Les bénéficiaires feront la demande via notre plateforme. A chaque demande, vous recevrez un mail vous en informant, ce qui vous permettra de répondre positivement ou non selon vos capacités d’accueil.

Comment mettre à jour nos données sur votre plateforme ?


Questions générales

To do what ?

In France, emergency accommodation is saturated, it is estimated that 72,000 places are missing, however, some centers are not always fully occupied when many women could benefit from them ? We want to facilitate access and connection between hosts and beneficiaries.

Why specifically for women ?

It has now been proven that a woman living on the street presents a greater risk of assault than a man, in particular the risk of sexual assault.

A shelter for them is to offer them protection against these attacks.

Why in Bordeaux ?

Les Orchidées Rouges have been present in the Girondin area since 2017, we support women and girls who are survivors of female genital mutilation, and/or forced or early marriage.

We have noted the precarious situation in which some of our beneficiaries are.

Faced with the observation that the possibilities of emergency accommodation are insufficient, but also that many solidarity hosts are too often unknown to people in need, we have decided to act !


Why Un abri pour elle ?

A platform for the safety of women threatened or victims of violence through solidarity accommodation. Created by feminist activist and social entrepreneur Marie-Claire Kakpotia, “A shelter for her” is developed by Les Orchidées Rouges.